LastChg. % 1DChg. Abs.
Reference Price137.8500
Bid Size/Ask Size89/57
Number Of Trades38
Last Volume22
Total Value2319,409

Performance data

Monthly Performance (MOM)-2.82%
Year-to-Date (YTD)-8.57%
52 Weeks Performance (YOY)+3.42%

Reference data & dividend

STRABAG SE is a European-based technology group for construction services, a leader in innovation and financial strength. Our activities span all areas of the construction industry and cover the entire construction value chain. We create added value for our clients by taking an end-to-end view of construction over the entire life cycle – from planning and design to construction, operation and facility management to redevelopment or demolition. In all of our work, we accept responsibility for people and the environment: We are shaping the future of construction and are making significant investments in our portfolio of more than 250 innovation and 400 sustainability projects. Through the hard work and dedication of our approximately 74,000 employees, we generate an annual output volume of around € 16 billion. Our dense network of subsidiaries in various European countries and on other continents extends our area of operation far beyond the borders of Austria and Germany. Working together with strong partners, we are pursuing a clear goal: to design, build and operate construction projects in a way that protects the climate and conserves resources.


Trading parameters

Average prices & details

Generally, reference prices likewise correspond to prices from trades in a security.
  - Reference prices for securities that have been newly admitted to trading shall be determined by the
  exchange operating company.
  - Whenever the exchange operating company receives notice of corporate actions or distributions that
  may influence the price of a security, a reference price is determined for the ex-trading day adjusted
  for the theoretical value of the security.
  Further information on the reference price can be found in the
  Trading Rules for the Xetra® Trading System - § 5 Price Determination and Reference Price.
2 Double Counting
  Last Volume = number of traded securities of the last trade;
  Total Volume = sum of all traded securities of the last trading day
3 Calculated by Vienna Stock Exchange