The subscription tool FirstPlace of the Vienna Stock Exchange enables issuers of shares, bonds or certificates in the run-up to the first trading day to expand their investor base by including retail investors, family offices and asset managers in addition to addressing institutional investors. Right from the start of the public offering, investors can easily enter orders directly via their own custodian (online) bank. At the end of the subscription period, the allocation is effected by the appointed order book manager.

Advantages for issuers

  • Targeted increase of the investor base
  • Buy orders are automatically collected in the Xetra® T7 order book
  • Higher capital market awareness through tailor-made communication package of the Vienna Stock Exchange

Get in touch now and learn more about increasing your placement reach.

Contact for equity listings

Henriette Lininger
Henriette Lininger Linked In
Director, Issuers

Contact for bond listings

Natalia Stocker
Natalia Stocker Linked In
Senior Manager Debt Listings

Contact for certificate listings