
DLA Piper Weiss-Tessbach ist the Vienna office of DLA Piper, the largest global legal practice – over 3,700 lawyers across 67 offices and 29 countries across Europe, Asia, the Middle East and the United States, as well as further cooperation offices across Africa and Australia. In Vienna only, about 100 lawyers work in the areas Capital Markets, Private Equity, Corporate, Corporate Finance, Finance&Projects, Real Estate, IP&IT, Litigation and Regulatory, as well as Employment & Pensions.

Criteria for financing

DLA Piper Weiss-Tessbach advises market participants of all sectors and industries.

Volume of financing

We represent clients in all types of capital markets transactions, irrespective of a minimum or maximum volume.

Scope of services

Legal full-service advice with respect to all aspects of IPOs, SPOs as well as listings of all types of financial instruments, including the structuring of financial instruments, legal due diligence, preparation of prospectuses and of other required documentation (terms&conditions, subscription agreement, legal opinions etc) as well as advice on all capital markets and stock exchange related questions in this context.


Vienna, Austria


Schottenring 14
1010 Wien
T +43 1 531 78-1505
F +43 1 533 52 52


Contact person

Christian Temmel
Partner  (Head of the Practice Area Capital Markets and Public M&A for CEE)
T +43 1 531 78 - 1505
F +43 1 533 52 52