Xetra® T7 comes with three Graphic User Interface (GUI) applications – Xetra® Trader: the application provided to traders, Xetra® Admin: which is tailored to the service administrator and Xetra® Clearer: which provides risk control functions. Additionally, traders can also access the Vienna Stock Exchange CEE-Trader GUI solution for real-time trading and the TTR Web GUI for post trade/OTC trade reporting in compliance with the MiFID II Regulations.

Below is an overview of these GUIs and their functions.

Xetra® Cash Trader GUI

This GUI is used by participants: traders, market makers and trading-view users.


  • Market and market depth view
  • Orders
  • Trades
  • Time and Sales
  • Order Entry
  • T7 Entry Services
  • Statistics
  • Risk Controls

Xetra® Cash Admin GUI

Used by the service administrators and user-data-view users.


  • User Maintenance and Entitlements
  • Trade Enrichment Rules
  • Risk Control 

Xetra® Cash Clearer GUI

Used by the back-office and risk staff of clearing members.


    • User Maintenance (setup and maintain users assigned to a clearing Business Unit)
    • Risk Controls (Emergency Stop NCM)
    • Back-office Trades

    CEE Trader GUI

    Used by participants: traders, market makers and trading-view users.


      • Multi market support (BSE, LJSE, PSE, VSE, ZSE)
      • Real-time prices – order book depth 10 or full order book depth (up to 20)
      • Price and news alerts
      • Order/trade history (five days back)
      • Single orders, basket orders, Intelligent Order Processing mechanism
      • Quotation functionality
      • Consolidated order book for dual listed instruments (for example Erste Bank in Vienna and Prague can be merged in one order book)

      TTR Web GUI

      Used for Post Trade/OTC Trade reporting.


        • A standardized solution for all disclosure requirements
        • Anonymized data distribution by using external infrastructure
        • The Vienna Stock Exchange as a neutral provider of flexible services
        • A solution that guarantees compliance with MiFID
        • Verification of the data provided against ESMA reference data
        • Reporting features in conformity with MiFID
        Contact Technical Service Desk Team
        On trading days from 8:00 to 18:00 hrs.

        More information about Xetra® T7 front-ends

        Xetra® T7 GUIs
        CEE Trader
        TTR Web GUI