Vienna Stock Exchange News

Financial New Year's resolutions easier to realise with the Wiener Börse Akademie

(Vienna) With the turn of the year, personal goals come back into focus: improving one's own financial situation is often high on the New Year's resolutions list. The Wiener Börse Akademie helps to realise this resolution and offers the opportunity to raise one's own financial knowledge to a new level with 30 subject areas in around 100 courses. A special treat is available right at the start of the year: from 8 to 22 January 2024, there is a 15% discount on numerous offers as a New Year's bonus. The seminars and workshops cover a wide range of knowledge and are aimed at both beginners and professionals. The full programme of courses (in German) can be downloaded from the Vienna Stock Exchange website.

"Those who are financially educated make better financial decisions. This also applies to the stock market. With our New Year's bonus, we are primarily targeting newcomers who want to invest their savings in securities and build up basic knowledge to get started," says Erwin Hof, Head of the Wiener Börse Akademie training programme.

Wiener Börse Akademie continuously expands its seminars and workshops

The Wiener Börse Akademie continuously adapts its course programme to market trends and current topics. In 2024, for example, the programme was expanded to include seminars on Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) and growth investing. The entry-level seminar "Das 1x1 der Wertpapiere", which introduces the functions of the capital market and basic knowledge about investing in securities, is particularly popular. There is also strong demand for the training programme to become a qualified stock exchange trader – there are only a few places left on the March course.

About the Wiener Börse Akademie

The Wiener Börse Akademie has been a co-operation between the WIFI Management Forum and Wiener Börse AG since 2005 and is part of the National Financial Literacy Strategy. Anyone from beginners to investment professionals can learn more about the capital market and benefit from the practical relevance of the courses and a team of experts. In 2023, well over 1,400 seminar participants took advantage of the programmes offered by the Wiener Börse Akademie.



For enquiries, please contact:



Anita Schatz

Corporate Communications

+43 1 531 65-212




Alexander Wastl

Alexander Wastl

Corporate Communications

+43 1 531 65-153

About the Vienna Stock Exchange

As the central infrastructure provider in the region, Wiener Börse AG opens doors to global markets. It operates the stock exchanges in Vienna and Prague. Listed companies benefit from maximum liquidity there, and as the market leader it offers investors fast and inexpensive trading. Wiener Börse collects and distributes price data and calculates the most important indices for a dozen markets in the region. Thanks to its unique know-how, the national exchanges in Budapest, Ljubljana and Zagreb also rely on the IT services of the Vienna Stock Exchange. In addition, it is involved in other energy exchanges and clearing houses in the region.


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