Vienna Stock Exchange News

Five bonds of the financial sector can be traded continuously

In the market segment financial sector the following bonds can be traded continuously as of Tuesday, October 20, 2015. The trading members Baader Bank AG (BALFR) and Walter Ludwig Wertpapierhandels GmbH (WALFR) assume the oblgations as market maker (M).

AT0000342696Wr.Staedt.Vers. EK-Anl. 05-22-M
AT0000342704Wr.Staedt.Vers. var EK-Anl. 05-M
AT0000A12GN0VIG nachrang.Schuldv.13-43/S.1MM
XS0808635436UNIQA Sub.ord.Fix-to-FRN 13-43MM
XS1117293107UNIQA Sub.ord.Fix-to-FRN 15-46MM