Vienna Stock Exchange News

Wiener Börse collaborates with NowCM to facilitate the streamlined listing of debt securities

(Vienna) Wiener Börse and NowCM have entered into a cooperation on the listing for debt securities. Standardised documentation and processes will expedite the listing procedure on the Vienna MTF, an exchange-regulated market operated by Wiener Börse. NowCM is the leading European digital solutions provider for the primary debt markets operating a pan-European platform for bond and commercial paper issuance. Joint clients will benefit from the cost-efficient way to list their debt securities on a reputable EU stock exchange.

"We are very happy to join forces with NowCM to offer a seamless and cost-efficient listing option as part of their all-in-one debt issuance solution. By combining our resources and expertise, we will deliver added value to NowCM's clients. This will help to attract new issuers, enhance transparency in debt markets and strengthen the successful international positioning of Vienna as a listing venue for bonds and commercial papers,” says Matthias Szabo, Head of Debt Listings.

"A listing on a recognised exchange is considered a label of quality. Through our cooperation, we provide customers with enhanced straight-through processing connectivity and strengthen our position as the sole European regulated primary markets platform providing a single point of entry for data management and a comprehensive ecosystem of partners. In this position, we see growing complementarity with a partner like Wiener Börse," says Robert Koller, CEO of NowCM.

With more than 13,000 active bonds from 38 countries and a total volume of EUR 720 billion, Wiener Börse has established a vibrant listing hub for debt securities. The Vienna MTF, the exchange-regulated market operated by Wiener Börse, has attracted many prominent companies by offering a flexible, efficient and reliable listing solution.

About the Vienna Stock Exchange

As the main provider of market infrastructure in the region, Wiener Börse AG is the gate to global markets. Operating the stock exchanges in Vienna and Prague, the group offers state-of-the-art systems, information and IT services. Listed companies receive maximum liquidity and investors benefit from fast and cost-effective trading by the market leader. Wiener Börse AG also collects and distributes stock market data and calculates the most important indices of the region. Because of this unique know-how the national stock exchanges in Budapest, Ljubljana and Zagreb trust its IT services. Additionally, the group holds stakes in energy exchanges and clearing houses. 

About NowCM

NowCM is the leading digital solutions and infrastructure provider for the primary debt markets. It provides a unique end-to-end digital solution offering issuers with a digital transaction workflow, or, in the case of new entrants, with a fully regulated CMaaS (Capital Markets as a Service) funding “subsidiary” using standardised documentation and supervised by the CSSF (Luxembourg). The NowCM solution is relevant for both large and small companies and provides improved harmonisation of capital markets in a MiFID II, GDPR and CMU compliant environment, without media breaks. NowCM also owns and operates a multi-lateral trading facility (MTF) which is the world’s first and only primary marketplace, regulated by the ACPR and AMF (France). NowCM, is also a member of Swift.

Exclusion of Liability

This press release may contain certain forward-looking statements and forecasts that are based on assumptions current made at the time of publication of this press release. We do not assume any liability for these forward-looking statements materializing. Furthermore, we would like to explicitly point out that this press release cannot serve as a basis for investment decisions and may not be construed as a solicitation to buy or a recommendation to invest by Wiener Börse AG. No liability is assumed for the information given in this press release.


Julia Resch
Julia Resch Linked In
Head of Corporate Communications & Marketing, Spokesperson
Alexander Wastl
Alexander Wastl Linked In
Corporate Communications & Marketing