The Vienna Stock Exchange has a 10-year track record in providing connectivity services using the industry standard protocol FIX (Financial Information eXchange). Starting in 2006 with simple order routing functionalities, 2010 marked a first substantial extension of the features offered with the introduction of real-time market data supplied via FIX. The label CEESEG FIX was created.

With the aim of providing customers with a modern set of trading and back office functionalities, which are independent of the trading system, the quoting functionality was introduced.

In 2015, a new set of functionalities was added – intelligent order processing: “Trailing stop” and “One cancels the other” order processing mechanisms are supported.

Standard trading functionalities, real-time market data – with a maximum market depth of 20 – and back office functionalities are the core features of CEESEG FIX.

CEESEG FIX is scalable and designed for all sizes of participants firm, helping to reduce software development costs and work by means of a commonly supported protocol. Thanks to its flexibility, the CEESEG FIX session can be configured to every customer’s individual needs.

Five basic session types are offered, which are each extensible with a wide range of upgrade packages.

Main features at a glance per session type:

  • Market data session
    • Multi market support – BSE, LJSE, PSE, VSE, ZSE – via one CEESEG FIX session
    • Index data
    • Real-time prices
    • Reference data
    • Instrument status
  • Trading session
    • Multi market support – order management for BSE, LJSE, PSE, VSE, ZSE via one CEESEG FIX session
    • Index data
    • Real-time prices
    • Reference data
    • Instrument status
    • Trade capture reports
    • Order maintenance and mass status
    • OTC trading
    • Trade modification functionality
  • Quotation session
    • Multi market support – quote management (single and mass quote functionality) for BSE, LJSE, PSE, VSE, ZSE via one CEESEG FIX session
    • Index data
    • Real-time prices
    • Reference data
    • Instrument status
    • Trade capture reports
    • Quote status request
    • Trade modification functionality
  • Combined session
    • Multimarket support – order and quote management (single and mass quote functionality) for BSE, LJSE, PSE, VSE, ZSE via one CEESEG FIX session
    • Index data
    • Real-time prices
    • Reference data
    • Instrument status
    • Trade capture reports
    • Quote status request
    • Order maintenance and mass status
    • Trade modification functionality
    • Back office session
    • Trade capture reports for all trades of the member
    • Trade modification functionality

Available extension packages

  • Enhanced Trade Data Package
    • Adds back office session functionalities to any other session
  • Enhanced Market Data Package
    • Extends the available bid/ask market depth from 10 to 20 in any session
  • Intelligent Order Processing Package
    • Adds Intelligent Order Processing (“Trailing stop” and “One cancels the other”) to the session types “combined” and “trading”.

Confidentiality – Integrity – Availability – Non-repudiation

Information security is a core aspect of CEESEG FIX and is deeply integrated in several layers of the architecture. The security and integrity of CEESEG FIX is audited and revised on a regular basis. The physical connection is secured using SSL encryption.

For further information on the functionality or for ordering your CEESEG FIX interface the Technical Service Desk is at your disposal.

Contact Technical Service Desk Team
On trading days from 8:00 to 18:00 hrs.